How and why the Rule of 100 ml Liquids allowed on the plane was introduced

How and why the Rule of 100 ml Liquids allowed on the plane was introduced

Have you ever wondered why the 100ml rule was introduced and what is its purpose?

Zbor24 reveals the real reason! Find out the controversial history behind this decision!

The restriction on liquids in hand luggage was implemented after British police uncovered a terrorist plot in which liquid explosives were hidden in soft drinks!

The terrorist act was planned for several transatlantic flights! Suspicious people injected hydrogen peroxide and other substances into juice bottles, keeping the caps sealed so as not to look suspicious!

What was going to happen?!

If these liquids were combined with other substances, a powerful explosive was produced.

The suspects intended to combine and detonate the explosives during flights from the UK to destinations in the United States and Canada.

Following the discovery of the plot, the authorities completely banned hand luggage with liquids on board the plane.

Subsequently, several tests were carried out to determine the maximum amount of liquids that can be safely carried on board!

Experts have found that it is not possible to get a powerful explosive on board by combining liquids in small containers!

Such an attempt would likely have failed or caused a premature explosion, injuring the attacker and causing minor damage to the aircraft!

Thus, the rule was introduced that allows passengers to carry in hand luggage up to one liter of liquids, divided into containers of no more than 100 ml each.

These containers must be placed in a transparent bag and removed from the luggage at security checkpoints to be scanned separately!

The European Union (EU) has instituted strict security rules that limit the amount of liquids allowed in hand luggage.

Before packing:

  • Make sure all liquids are stored in individual containers, each with a maximum capacity of 100ml.
  • The maximum amount allowed is 1,000 ml (1 liter) per person.
  • All containers must be placed in a clear resealable plastic bag approximately 20cm x 20cm.
  • All items should fit loosely in the bag and it should be sealed.
  • Each passenger is entitled to carry only one plastic bag with liquids.

At Security Control:

  • It is mandatory to present this bag separately at airport security checkpoints.
  • These rules apply to all passengers departing from EU airports, regardless of destination.

Read also about TIPS & TRICKS for an organized luggage!

Follow all these rules and travel safely with Zbor24.