What happens if I miss one of the segments on a return flight?

What happens if I miss one of the segments on a return flight?

One of the most frequently asked questions from Zbor24.ro agents: "What happens if I miss one of the flights on the return flight?"

Airlines tend to fill all seats on an aircraft when a flight takes place. That is why you will often find return flights at much better prices than separate ones.
But what if you miss one of your two (return) flights?

If you missed your DEPARTURE flight, the agency you purchased your ticket from or the airline must be notified of the situation immediately.

Otherwise, it will irrevocably decide to cancel (even without notifying the passenger) all subsequent segments of the ticket.

For what reason? Because it believes that the passenger has missed the flight and will not be able to reach the final destination by any other means. In addition, he can be fined and fined much more expensive to avoid getting stuck in the city where he is.

If you missed your RETURN flight, airlines usually do not take action.

However, such a practice performed often and with the same airline may attract the attention of the passenger, and the company may suspend his frequent-flier account, cancel the accumulated bonuses and revoke his status.

In short, if you miss one of the stages of the return flight, let us know immediately and we will help you. On Zbor24.ro you have client support 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, from booking to destination.

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