
For Non-IATA Agencies

Are you a non-IATA agency looking for a partnership that offers attractive commissions for your agency? A partner who can issue tickets based on your bookings and provide professional support services? Explore Travel offers you the opportunity to provide your agency's clients with extremely competitive rates, in a flexible, real-time system, at no cost to your agency.

Explore Travel proposes three booking options for its sub-agents:

  • through the search engine on www.zbor24.ro;
  • independently, in their own offices, using online reservation systems;
  • through our agents.

The first two booking methods offer you a higher commission, as they do not involve our agents in the search and booking process.

What are the benefits for our partners?

  • Zbor24.ro offers you a commission from each ticket sold. In addition to this commission, your agency can apply an additional fee, depending on your pricing policy to maximize your profit.
  • There are no sales targets or system maintenance costs. Sell as much as you want each month. Your agency will be invoiced for the tickets sold, minus your commission.
  • We offer support. We are a team of specialists with several years of experience in the field. We are competent in various questions;
  • Our loyal partners benefit from discounts on Galileo courses.

For more details, please contact us at: contact@zbor24.ro